
Why Won’t My Mom Walk With Me the Way She Does With You?

By Nicole R April 25 November 18th, 2019 No Comments

Client’s carry-over from Tandem Strength & Balance into their daily lives is the most difficult part of our service. Family members observe what our clients are doing during our sessions and are frustrated when the family member won’t/can’t do the same thing for them. Its best explained using numbers. If the client is functioning normally at 20/100 around their house, during the exercise session we are going they will be challenged at 30-50/100. Over the next month, the client may begin to function at a 25/100 around their home and we will then challenge them at 35-55/100. The challenge process encourages them to go outside their comfort zones.


The speed of carry-over varies on the client and their diagnosis. There are many factors AND ups and downs just like any fitness program, but the slow speed can be exasperating for many. The ongoing exercise and working with the same therapist is beneficial in this regard. A trust level is built between the two parties which allows the physical therapist to challenge the client even more. Gaining confidence is the hardest part for many clients. There can also be pressure from family and health professionals with statements such as: “BE SAFE” or “DON’T FALL.” In many ways, clients are fighting social norms along with their own confidence.

Progress and functional improvements revolve around repetition in regular intervals. That is one of the main reasons Tandem Strength & Balance was established. Significant changes occur over time just not in time dictated by Medicare

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