
I can’t get stronger I’m 80

By Nicole R June 20 July 22nd, 2019 No Comments

I hear this all the time. Fortunately, it is NOT true. Everyone can get stronger: age and diagnosis are not limiting factors. The oldest person I have ever exercised with was 111 years old (we started at 107). She wanted to remain independent in her apartment and she didn’t want anyone to help her take a shower or use the bathroom. She emphatically said, “The only man I ever want to see my tush will remain my husband.”

We all lose strength as we age.A typical 70-year-old-woman could have 50 to 70% less strength than she did when she was 30 years old. This leads to needing help with transfers, difficulty climbing stairs, and difficulty picking up their feet; just to mention a few implications.

The most difficult part of any exercise program is to find the correct one that meets your needs and then have the will power to continue to do it. The 111 -year -old lifted weights with us until 2 days before she died. She remained independent that entire time.

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