By: Justine Heck, PT

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common infection throughout the lifespan. UTI symptoms can include low stomach or bladder pain, painful urination, cloudy urine, or a strong odor when voiding. In addition to urinary changes, UTIs can also cause changes in cognition, behavior, and muscle strength. If a UTI goes undetected it can further progress to a kidney infection, or even sepsis creating a body-wide infection. The most common treatment for UTIs is prescribed antibiotics.

UTIs are typically more common in women due to anatomical differences, and can be quite common in the older adult population. Older adults may be more susceptible to UTIs due to other comorbidities (such as diabetes), urinary incontinence, hormone changes, or inability to fully empty one’s bladder. If an older adult has weakness and mobility loss, even getting to the bathroom may become a challenge and can further increase risk for UTI.

UTI Health Effects

For the elderly population suffering from a UTI can mean several days or week(s) of malaise where they may not feel up to their normal routines and activity. A common sign of UTI may include urinary urgency which may cause frequent trips to the restroom and can leave a person feeling exhausted. The most serious cases of UTIs can require hospitalization for treatment. Over time this lack of activity can result in deconditioning, reduced independence, and loss of muscle mass. It is crucial to intervene during this time to prevent progressive muscle weakness which can happen as rapidly as 1-3% loss of muscle mass per day of inactivity (Muller EA, 1970). Depending on a person’s strength and mobility level pre-infection, this level of deconditioning can lead to reduced independence, impaired balance, or falls.

Early Detection & Strength-Training Exercise Reduces Health Impact

In addition to UTI treatment, involvement with a physical therapist before, during, and after a UTI and treatment can be instrumental in keeping your health and physical strength, balance and mobility on track. A physical therapist can encourage physical activity and exercise, which naturally drives your need to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated can help reduce risk of UTIs and can assist in clearing UTIs when the urinary system is constantly flushing itself out. During the height of UTI symptoms, exercise intensity is not contraindicated but may require modification. A physical therapist is skilled at evaluating a person’s mobility level and providing or modifying an appropriate intensity treatment to allow for strength, balance and mobility gains that are individualized to each person.

Unfortunately following an UTI, the rate of recurrence can remain higher for three months following the original infection (Al-Badr et al, 2013). Knowing and monitoring for UTI symptoms is crucial in order to seek prompt medical care, if needed. Our physical therapists at Tandem Strength & BalanceⓇ are skilled at observing and monitoring a person’s performance and notice when there are signs concerning of UTI. This early detection can allow a person to seek testing through their primary care physician via a urinary culture test in order to receive proper antibiotic treatment. The earlier a UTI is diagnosed, the easier to treat, and will have a reduced impact on other areas of health.


UTIs are a common but treatable infection. UTIs may range in severity from minimal impact if caught early, or hospitalization for serious infections that may have gone unnoticed for a while. Missing a day or two of physical activity while recovering may be needed, but getting back on track with an exercise routine is important to avoid deconditioning and loss of independence over time. Throughout the spectrum of UTI severity, working with a dedicated physical therapist can be instrumental in modifying activity levels while making sure your health and mobility goals remain on track.


Private-Pay Physical Therapy Service

UTIs can be difficult to diagnose early, but under the watchful eye of our team of physical therapists,  we can alert the aging adult or designated family member of the possible condition, assist in getting early treatment, and maintain strength while recovering. If you would like to schedule a free in-home consultation to learn more about how exercise and physical strength training can be beneficial to living and maintaining a healthy and independent lifestyle, please contact Tandem Strength & Balance online or by phone!


Everyone starts to lose strength within 3-5 days after strength training has stopped. So many older adults can not afford to lose any strength because they are just getting by.


As physical therapists, we continue to challenge all of our clients in a way that caregivers and families can’t. We address the root cause of their mobility issues and help older adults build strength so they can enjoy their independence and keep living costs lower.

Inspiring Seniors to be Stronger...Longer!

We help people to understand why they are struggling
and what steps can be taken to make life better.
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