Many individuals diagnosed with Neuromuscular Disease (NMD) are caught in a vicious circle of physical inactivity when conversely, it is so important to stay engaged in an active lifestyle, in order to prevent further chronic cardiovascular and muscle deconditioning and increased cardiovascular health risks.

We know that lack of physical activity leads to further loss of muscle mass, reduced walking distance and increased risk of obesity, fatigue and pain in persons with NMD. Due to fatigue, patients often alter their lifestyles and reduce their activities which causes a vicious circle of disuse and weakness.

There Is Hope

There is scientific evidence that exercise should to be prescribed as if it were medicine, enabling individuals living with NMD to maintain a better quality of life. You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase, “A body in motion stays in motion.” This theory is not simple rhetoric to get you moving. It is physics in its simplest form. Physical activity is not only great for maintaining good health; it is the key to improving outcomes for those with NMD.

How Exercise Can Help

Individuals living with NMD are best served if initially, they undergo a personalized assessment to maximize the effectiveness of their exercise program. Tandem Strength & Balance, a team of physical therapists with over 20 years of experience, offers free in-home consultations and custom designs strength-resistance, exercise programs according to the individual’s fitness level, with considerations to current physical strength, weakness, stiffness, pain and mobility concerns. The goals of the custom-crafted exercise program are to eliminate or reduce muscle dystrophy, build muscle strength and physical endurance. Your in-home exercise specialist possesses the skill and passion for keeping you active and on your feet, regardless of age or diagnosis. With the help of Tandems Strength & Balance, progress is made and dreams become obtainable!

Living with NMD can be difficult but with the expertise of Tandem Strength & Balance, you can live life the way you want to live it. Tandem Strength & Balance will help you to meet your physical strength goals on a consistent basis so you can spend time with family, enjoy your friends and hobbies, retain independence and “Do Life Your Way!”

What is Neuromuscular Disease?

Neuromuscular disease (NMD) is any condition that interrupts the messaging pathways from the peripheral nervous system, brain, spinal cord, and associated neural networks known as ganglia to your muscles, resulting in abnormal movements and sensations. NMDs can present as primary conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s Disease or as comorbidities, or secondary conditions to a primary diagnosis, as in the case of neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetics or Toxic Neuropathy, caused by drugs and other chemicals.

The Evidence

According to the University of Michigan’s Neuroscience Department, many NMDs are treatable if diagnosed early. The department also shares it is possible for NMD disabilities to be slowed (University of Michigan Neurosciences, n.d.).

Though challenging for many diagnosed with NMD, the data reporting the benefits of exercise and physical activity in NMD support it being integrated into one’s treatment plan. As published by Jeppesen: “The majority of exercise studies presented in the last decade have shown that even in patients with severe muscle dystrophy, muscle strength and physical endurance can be improved with both strength and aerobic training along with improvement of quality of life (Jeppesen, 2019).”

Within Exercise in Neuromuscular Disease, the authors demonstrate that despite the different pathologies in NMDs, exercise is beneficial, whether aerobic/endurance or strength/resistive training. (Y Anziska, 2014)

Private-Pay Physical Therapy Service

NMD can be difficult to manage, but with the expertise of our in-home physical therapists, improved physical, mental and physiological health can be accomplished after Medicare Physical Therapy terminates. With the help of our team, anyone living with NMD can continue to enhance his or her life. If you would like to schedule a free in-home consultation to learn why you are struggling with NMD and what actions can be taken to improve your life, contact Tandem Strength & Balance online or by phone!


  • University of Michigan Neurosciences. (n.d.). Neuromuscular Disorders. Retrieved July 08, 2020, from
  • Jeppesen, T. (2019). I.4Physical exercise training in patients with neuromuscular disorders. Neuromuscular Disorders, 29. doi:10.1016/j.nmd.2019.06.019
  • Y Anziska, Seniha Inan, (2014) Exercise in Neuromuscular Disease


Everyone starts to lose strength within 3-5 days after strength training has stopped. So many older adults can not afford to lose any strength because they are just getting by.


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